PSL doctoral college

2021 Humanities and social sciences (SHS) PSL Dissertation Prize – Announcement of results

The purpose of the thesis Prize of PSL University is to reward and promote the best doctoral work in the main Humanities and Social Sciences fields:

In addition to these four thematic prizes, the juries award a fifth prize for the best interdisciplinary dissertation.

Find the winners below:

Social Sciences Award

Law, Economics, Management Award

Arts, Aesthetics, Literature Award

Humanities Award

Best cross-disciplinary work

Each winner will receive a prize worth € 5,000, consisting of a sum of € 3,000 and a funding of € 2,000 for a research stay, if the health situation makes it possible. The winners will also give three seminars in three partner institutions of PSL.

A virtual awards ceremony will be held on July 8, 2021 (6 p.m. to 8 p.m.). It will be broadcast live on PSL’s YouTube channel.

During this ceremony the winning works will be presented and a conference on the themeDistance et engagement : un dilemme à repenser pour les sciences humaines et sociales” will be given by François Héran, professor at the Collège de France and president of the 2021 edition of the SHS thesis prize.

Find more information by clicking here.