PSL doctoral college

PSL-ADELI dissertation prize

Call for applications: PSL|ADELI dissertation prize “Data Sciences, Artificial Intelligence and Interfaces”

This dissertation prize aims to reward and promote the best dissertation work of young PSL researchers in the disciplines of Artificial Intelligence, data sciences, as well as their applications to the human and social sciences, and experimental sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, etc).


Dissertations defended after January 1st, 2017 in a PSL Institutions, written in French or English.

They will be reviewed by a jury of leading scientists including representatives of Université PSL and ADELI association.


The winner will be granted €1500 and the winner of the honorable mention will get €500.

Recipients will be invited to present their work to the PSL community at the awards ceremony, which will host a plenary lecture by a prominent figure in the field.



The application form with:

must be sent by email to: before March 31, 2019!

For more information, visit the PSL website by clicking here.