PSL doctoral college

« Make Our Planet Great Again »: New financing programs

Launched on June the 1st, 2017 by the Président de la République, Emmanuel Macron,  the initiative « Make Our Planet Great Again » is a call to mobilize and join France to lead the fight against global warming.

This initiative has enables to collect 11,000 messages from students, researchers, teachers, entrepreneurs and NGO leaders. Today, more than 5,000 messages have been received in the “student” and “researcher” categories. These applications come from around 100 countries and most of them from the United States (61%). They are very largely oriented towards the fields of energy, ecosystems, atmosphere and oceanography.

Three new programs labeled « Make Our Planet Great Again », coordinated by Campus France and financed by the ministère de l’Europe et des affaires Etrangères (MEAE) and the ministère de l’enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l’innovation (MESRI), are open to PhD students and post-docs:

  1. A co-financing program for doctoral contracts: the institutions will receive a co-financing of € 50,000 to host a PhD student for 3 years. Approximately 20 PhD students will be financed for theses that will begin in 2018.
  2. A co-financing program for post-doctoral contracts: the host institutions will receive a co-financing of € 25,000 for one year and € 50,000 for 2 years to receive a post-doc. Between 20 and 40 post-docs will be financed for stays starting in 2018.
  3. A program of short research stays: mobility financing from 14 days to 5 months for PhD students or researchers in France. At least 40 mobilities financed for stays only in 2018.


Applications can be registered from March 12th to April 6th (Attention: March 30 deadline for PhD). The selection procedure will involve experts and an international committee representing the different areas of the call for projects.

For more information, visit the Campus France website by clicking here!